Continuous improvement, data, results

If Only…The Irony of Continuous Improvement

If Only…The Irony of Continuous Improvement

November 5, 2023

I believe in continuous improvement. I think it’s the bedrock of personal and professional growth, not to mention the advancement of society.

At a fundamental level, though, continuous improvement means that whatever I do today won’t be as good as tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or in a year or more. Because I’m not perfect…indeed, I’m far from it. And continuous improvement recognizes and amplifies this reality.

The Irony

The irony of this notion is that, like many educators, I reflect back on certain stages of my career and wish I could go back in time and apologize to those I served previously.

To those students in my first year(s) of teaching: I’m sorry. My passion was great, but my pedagogical prowess, or teaching skills…well, let’s just say continuous improvement was the norm.

Then there were those in my trainings and coaching sessions. Again, I’m sorry. I know so much more now, and have so many more skills, that I look back on those days with chagrin. Yikes! 

Then as an administrator–whether principal or in the district office–I think back and reflect on all the ways I fell short. It’s not that I was terrible, I don’t think. After all, the evidence was quite the contrary. Yet, reflecting back, in comparison to my knowledge and skills now, I am humbled at how much better I could have been. And to those with whom I was charged to “lead,” please accept my apologies for the shortcomings that I had.

Today, as a consultant who serves incredible educators all over this planet, my knowledge and skills continue to expand. Week by week, I learn more. I get better. And the result is that you and your students get better, too.

The Improvements

Change is a given. Learning is a tool. Improvement is optional.

Over the years, I’ve changed, learned, and improved. I’m grateful for the opportunities for all three, and will continue to engage in all three. 

My hope for you is that you, too, learn, grow, and improve. Because the alternative, while comfortable, surely isn’t helpful.

Questions for Reflection

  • In what ways have you improved, personally and professionally?
  • How can you be sure to continue to grow and learn?


Rib Review

Smokey Bones is a chain barbecue restaurant, and I had the pleasure of enjoying their ribs in Greensboro, North Carolina. They had a $19.99 special that included a full rack of ribs, two sides, and a soda. I went for the Memphis rub as they had sauces on the table, and this was a good choice. The meat didn’t need sauce, but it was a nice added touch. And the quantity was such that half that rack went into the fridge for supper the next night. Good stuff!

Smokey Bones meal for two (or three!)…

Also had some Archdale Barbecue in Archdale, North Carolina. It wasn’t ribs, but instead North Carolina style pulled pork on a salad that was quite delicious–just not ribs.

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